

Airlines - Rate

  • How can an airline enquire on tariff/contract rates published in Calogi?

    Navigate to My Calogi > General rate enquiry. Enter the required filters and click Search.

  • How can an airline upload tariff/contract rates on Calogi?

    Airlines can upload rates through the existing feature by navigating to My Calogi > Pricing > Rates.

    Option 1

    1. Click Create Tariff.
    2. Enter mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*), then click Save.
    3. Once the record is saved successfully, click Back.
    4. Click Create Rate Group under the Tariff Details panel.
    5. Enter the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) under the Rate Group Details panel and click Save.
    6. Under the Rate Groups for the selected Tariff panel, click Rate Card to access the rate sheet.
    7. Click Create (on the right hand corner of the screen) under the Rate Details panel to create the rate sheet.
    8. Enter the applicable rates under the Rate Details panel, click Save Rate and then click Back to return to previous page.
    9. Review the rates entered, click Update to modify the records entered, click Create to enter additional data and click Back to return to the previous menu.
    10. Click Publish under the Tariff Details panel to activate the tariff created.


    Option 2

    1. Click Create Tariff.
    2. Enter mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*), then click Save.
    3. Once the record is saved successfully, click Back.
    4. Click Create Rate Group under the Tariff Details panel.
    5. Enter the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) under the Rate Group Details panel and click Save.
    6. Under the Rate Groups for the selected Tariff panel, click Rate Card to access the rate sheet.
    7. Click Create (on the right hand corner of the screen) under the Rate Details panel to create/edit the rate sheet.
    8. Click Download to copy the rate card Excel template to your computer, enter the airline rates (rack or contract) and click Save.
    9. Click Back to return to the previous menu.
    10. Click Publish under the Tariff Details panel to activate the tariff created.
  • How do airlines make a response to an ad-hoc rate request?

    Airlines can respond to ad-hoc rate requests in the following ways:

    Through the Task List

    1. Go to My Calogi > Task List.
    2. On the airline task list queue, click the Ad-hoc Rate Request hyperlink and select the particular job.
    3. Click Action and update the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) under the Loose Rate Details panel i.e. Basis, Freight Rate and Applicable Weight.
    4. Click Send.


    Through Ad-hoc Rate Management  

    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > Ad-hoc Rate Management. 
    2. Search using filters in the Search panel.
    3. Click on the Job Ref hyperlink to access the job.
    4. Update the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) under the Loose Rate Details panel i.e. Basis, Freight Rate and Applicable Weight.
    5. Click Send.

Forwarders - Export

  • As a forwarder, how do I request an AWB/CBV using the AWB/CBV transfer process?

    To reserve an AWB using this process, simply follow these steps:

    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, enter the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*). On the Job Details panel, under the Other Details panel, select the primary SHC and/or secondary SHC, put a tick on the Shipper Acceptance check box and click Save.
    3. Go to the Job Creation tab.
    4. On the Template details panel, select Auto Ad-hoc Stock from the AWB/CBV Type drop-down menu. Enter the MAWB/MCBV airline prefix.
    5. Select the consignee from the consignees'  list (LOV), put a tick on the 'I Accept' check box and click Save.
    6. An air waybill/courier baggage voucher will be auto-assigned to the job from the airline pool of stock.
  • How do I check the available time for booking a dock and what is the process of dock booking? (Currently available only in the DXB community.)

    After executing an air waybill or saving a job with an air waybill, go to the Dock Request tab, enter the From and To dates, select the Vehicle Type from the list (LOV), enter the driver's phone number and select the desired slot by clicking CheckDock Availability.

    Select the desired dock and click Book Dock to complete the booking process.

    Note: Red signifies that the dock is already booked. Green signifies that the dock is still available.

  • How do I request a 'special rate' or ad-hoc rate from the airlines/GSA?
    1. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management (Create a job).
    2. Enter the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) on the Rate Enq/Quotation tab.
    3. Click the Arl AdHoc Rate tab. Select the airlines preferred, enter the remarks and click Request Adhoc Rate. On doing this, a request will go to the airlines' ad-hoc rate request queues.

    Note: A maximum of three ad-hoc rate requests can be sent at one time.

  • How do I view and accept the airline / GSA Adhoc Rate response?
    1. Navigate to My Calogi > Task list.
    2. Click the Adhoc Rate Response hyperlink. Select the job of your preferred airlines, then click Action.
    3. On the Arl Adhoc Rate tab. select the preferred quoted rates from the airlines, select the MAWB/MCBV number from the list (LOV) and click Assign.
  • How do I attach a House air waybill to a Master air waybill?

    You can use either the Consol Management or HAWB Management features on Calogi to attach a House air waybill to a Master air waybill.

    Consol Management:

    Step 1. Create Master air waybill by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) and click Save.
    3. On the Job Creation tab, enter the air waybill prefix, select the consignee, enter the handling information and additional information plus routing details (optional). Put a tick mark on 'I Accept' check box, then click Save.

    Note: Do not execute the air waybill until the House air waybills are attached to the master job.

    Step 2. Create a House air waybill by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) and click Save.
    3. On the Job Creation tab, select the HAWB/HCBV number from the list (LOV), select the consol hub from the list and select the consignee. Enter the handling information and additional information plus routing details (optional). Put a tick mark on 'I Accept' check box, then click Save.
    4. On the Execution tab, select the mode of payment, i.e. prepaid (PP) or charges collect (CC); select the rate class (e.g. M, N, Q); select the Rate to appear on the AWB print, i.e. IATA, As Agreed or Special; and click Save.
    5. View the Air Waybill by clicking AWB view and then Execute.

    Step 3. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Consol Management.

    Step 4. Enter the MAWB number or the consol hub and click Search.

    Step 5. Select the Master air waybill number. Click Matching Consols.

    Step 6. Select House air waybill numbers to be attached to the Mater air waybill, then click Attach.

    Step 7. Click Go to Master.

    Step 8. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, click Save. Go to the Job Creation screen and update the mandatory details. Finally, go to the Execution tab, enter the mode of payment, i.e. prepaid (PP) or charges collect (CC); select the Rate to appear on the AWB print, i.e. IATA, As Agreed or Special; click Get Rates and then click Execute.




    House Air Waybill Management:

    Step 1. Create House air waybill(s) by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) and click Save.
    3. On the Job Creation tab, select the HAWB/HCBV number from the list (LOV), select the consol hub and select the consignee. Enter the handling information and additional information plus routing details (optional). Put a tick on the 'I Accept' check box, then click Save.
    4. On the Execution tab, select the mode of payment, i.e. prepaid (PP) or charges collect (CC); select the rate class (e.g. M, N, Q); select the Rate to appear on the AWB print. i.e. IATA, As Agreed or Special; and click Save.
    5. View the air waybill by clicking AWB view and click Execute.

    Step 2. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > HAWB Management.

    Step 3. Enter the consol hub, cargo type and doc type, then click Search.

    Step 4. Select all the HAWBs to be attached and click Create Job.

    Note: Clicking Create Job will take you to a new job to create the Master air waybill.

    Step 5. Finally, go to the Execution tab. Select the mode of payment, i.e. prepaid (PP) or charges collect (CC); click Get Rates; select the Rate to appear on the AWB print, i.e. IATA, As Agreed or Special; and click Execute.

  • How do I select the mode of payment as 'CC' or charges collect for shipments in Calogi?

    On the Execution tab under the Accounting Information panel, select Charges Collect (CC) instead of Pre-Paid (PP) from the Weight Value and/or Due Carrier drop down menu.

  • How do I void an ad-hoc rate quoted by the airlines?

    Go to the Arl Ad Hoc Rate tab, select the rate quoted from the airline and click Void Rate.

  • How do I add more details to the Nature of Goods to be printed on the AWB?

    On the Execution tab, click the Add on Weight/Volume & Other Charges panel and update the additional details on Nature of Goods.

  • How do I assign an RFC AWB to the job?

    On the Job Creation tab, select Auto Own Stock from the AWB/CBV Type drop down menu. Enter the Airline MAWB/MCBV prefix and the consignee, update the required details in the Handling Information field, Additional Information field, Routing Details field and click Save. The Calogi system will automatically assign an AWB number on the job after saving. Alternatively, select the AWB/CBV type as Manual, enter the Airline MAWB/MCBV prefix, select the serial number from the list of AWB (LOV), enter the consignee, update the required details in the Handling Information field, Additional Information field, Routing Details field and click Save.

  • How do I execute an Export Master Single AWB?

    Execute the Master Air Waybill by following these steps:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Export Sales > Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) and click Save.
    3. On the Job Creation tab, enter the air waybill prefix, select the consignee, enter the handling information and additional information, plus routing details (optional). Put a tick mark on 'I Accept' check box and click Save.
    4. On the Execution tab, select the mode of payment, i.e. prepaid (PP) or charges collect (CC), click Get Rates and then click Save.
    5. View the air waybill by clicking AWB View and then click Execute.
  • How do I insert additional charges?

    On the Execution tab, click Add Other Charges, and select the charge code from the list. Select the due party (i.e. Due GHA, Due owner etc.) from the drop down menu and enter the value in the Amount field.

  • How do I send a subsequent ad-hoc rate request on an existing ad-hoc rate quoted by the airline?

    On the Arl Adhoc Rate tab, click Void Rate on the first/previous request and send a new request by clicking Request Adhoc Rate.

  • How do I un-assign an AWB?

    On the Job Creation tab, click Un-assign. This feature will detach the air waybill from the job created.

    Note: In the case of an ad-hoc air waybill being used, based on the expiry the air waybill will be auto un-assigned and returned to the airline stock pool.

  • Is it possible to execute an air waybill in Calogi from anywhere in the world?

    Yes, provided you have a valid user id and access to the Calogi Web Portal via the internet. 

  • What amendments can be made to the job after an AWB number is assigned to it?

    After a job is created, saved and an AWB is assigned to it, you can change the following details prior to AWB execution on the following tabs.

    On the Rate Enquiry/Quotation tab, you can amend the following data:

    1. Origin
    2. Destination
    3. Shipper Details
    4. Number of Pieces
    5. Weight of the Shipment
    6. Primary / Secondary SHC
    7. Volume & Dimension of the Shipment
    8. Nature of Goods
    9. Remarks

    On the Job Creation tab, you can amend the following data:

    1. Consignee Details
    2. Handling Information
    3. Additional Information
    4. Routing Information
    5. Declared Value for Customs
    6. Declared Value for Carriage

    On the Execution tab, you can amend the following data:

    1. Mode of Payment
    2. Add Other charges
    3. More Accounting Details
    4. Product Code
    5. Rate Type

    Conditions: Except in cases of Transfer AWB, in which an ad-hoc rate is accepted and an AWB is assigned to the job, the Origin or Destination cannot be changed unless the AWB is un-assigned from the job.

Third Party Logistics

  • What is 3PL?

    Third Party Logistics (3PL) companies provide their customers with multiple logistics services. These can include transportation, warehousing, custom brokerage, insurance, and packaging.

  • How can I register for 3PL?

    To register with Calogi, follow these steps:

    1. Go to
    2. In the menu list on the left panel, click Register.
    3. Click on the Register hyperlink.
    4. On the Membership Registration screen, click Continue.
    5. On the Local community Member Registration screen, select your airport by typing either the AIRPORT CODE or searching the required airport from the provided list. Click GO.
    6. Select the user group as 3rd Party Logistics and click Continue.
    7. On the User Registration Page 1 screen, enter the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) under the Member Information panel and click Continue to proceed to User Registration Page 2.
    8. On the User Registration Page 2 screen, review the details entered on the Member Information panel and click Continue. If you need to amend the details, click Back. i. On the User Registration Page 3 screen, click Confirm.
  • How can I set up or create a 3PL tariff for my users?

    Your users must be registered with Calogi in order to access your updated information Follow these steps to upload your 3PL tariff:

    1. Log in using your Calogi 3PL user ID.
    2. Go to Admin > Accounting > 3PL Tariff.
    3. Click Create Tariff Group.
    4. Update the mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) under the Create/Edit panel, and then click Save.
    5. Once the Tariff Rate Group is saved successfully, click Back.
    6. Select the newly-created tariff reference by clicking on the radio button under the Tariff Groups panel.
    7. Click Rate Card.
    8. Update the Rate Card by entering appropriate data for every destination and value of goods. Then click Save.
    9. Once the Rate Card is saved successfully, click Back.
    10. Click Publish Rates under the Tariff Groups panel.
  • How does a 3PL buyer raise a service order on Calogi?

    A 3PL buyer can raise a service order through an already-existing job on the dashboard by navigating to the 3PL screen.


    Navigate to 3PL Services > 3PL Order Request from the main menu to create an ad-hoc job.

    Follow these steps to create a service order on Calogi:

    1. Click Create Order.
    2. Select the Service Type from the drop-down menu in the List of Orders panel.
    3. Fill in relevant fields, especially the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) under the Request Data Capture panel.
    4. The buyer has the option to view tariff rates from Best Rates and Preferred Providers, and can also request ad-hoc rates from a minimum of five 3PL providers at a given time.
    5. Select the appropriate tariff rate for the service order under the Rates Results panel, and then click Assign Service Order.

Airline - Stock

Charges Correction Advice

  • How do I raise a CCA?

    CCAs can be raised by forwarders or airlines in the following ways:

    Option 1

    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > Maintain CCA.
    2. Enter the AWB/CBV number and click Search.
    3. Under the CCA Details panel, enter the new rate or airline-corrected weight or airline-corrected charges and click Submit CCA.

    Option 2

    After executing the MAWB/MCBV on the Execution page, click Raise CCA, enter the new rate or airline-corrected weight or airline-corrected charges and click Submit CCA (applies to forwarders only).

    Option 3

    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > CCA Management.
    2. Enter the MAWB/MCBV number and click Raise CCA. Update the mandatory field and click Raise CCA.
  • How do I edit a CCA?
    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > CCA Management.
    2. Enter the AWB/CBV number and click Search.
    3. Select the airway bill number and click View/Edit CCA. Update the information and click Raise CCA.
  • How do I check whether a CCA is approved?
    1. Go to Sales > Export Sales > CCA Management.
    2. Enter the MAWB/MCBV number and click Search. The CCA status will display.


  • What is the Courier Module?

    This module gives express freight and courier forwarders the ability to execute and process courier AWBs and courier baggage vouchers (CBV) through the Calogi portal. Airlines can maintain standard/tariff, contract rates or quote ad-hoc rates through the Calogi portal. The Airline also has the flexibility of managing AWB/CBV stock on the portal. Follow these steps to create a Courier job on Calogi: 

    1. Go to Sales > Export Job Management > Courier Job Management.
    2. On the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update mandatory details marked with an asterisk (*) and click Save.            
    3. On the Job Creation tab, enter the AWB/CBV prefix, select the consignee, enter the handling information and additional information and routing details. Click in the 'I Accept' check box and click Save.
    4. On the Execution tab, select the mode of payment, click Get Rates and then click Save.
    5. View the air waybill/CBV by clicking AWB/CBV View.  
    6. Click Execute.
  • How do I enter Routing details on the job creation screen?

    The Origin Airport and Final Destination fields are defaulted to the origin and destination of the job. 1st Destination is the first transit point or the final destination if it is a direct flight. 1st Onward Destination is the second transit point or the final destination if there is only one transit point. 2nd Onward Destination is the final destination.

  • What are the benefits of executing AWB/CBV on Calogi through this module? (Applies to the Dubai community only.)

    The benefits of executing AWB/CBV on Calogi include:

    1. Stock, contract, rack and ad-hoc rates for couriers are available on the portal.
    2. Real-time interface with terminal systems.
    3. Utilisation of the credit account facility for payment of all transactions on the portal.
  • Will forwarders be able to execute CBV shipments on Calogi if the airlines have not defined courier rates?

    It is mandatory for the airline to define rates for CBV execution. The system will restrict the user from executing CBV shipments on the portal if airline rates are not available. As per IATA regulations, CBV shipments cannot be executed with IATA rates.

Forwarders - Import

Freight Booking

  • How many sectors can be requested in a freight booking for a single instance?

    Bookings can be requested for up to a maximum of nine legs or sectors in a single instance.

  • How do I make a freight booking request?

    Go to the  Arl Adhoc Rate tab, select the airline code from the LOV, select the booking details and send the request.


    Go to the Freight Booking tab, update the booking request details and click Send.

  • How do I send an availability request?

    From the Rate Enq/Quotation tab, update the mandatory information and click Select Airlines. Choose the airline code from LOV and click the Availability button.


    Go to the Arl Adhoc Rate tab. After selecting the airline code from the LOV list, click Get Availability.


    From the Freight Booking tab, click Get Availability.

  • How do I view the availability response?

    Two minutes after sending a request, refresh the page and then click on Availability. The availability details will only be available once the airline responds to the request sent by the forwarder.

Import Forwarder Notification

  • How do I update an import forwarder's email address?

    Go to Admin > User Management > Address Book. Update the consignee email address on the Email Address field.


    From the Job Level on the Job Creation tab, in the Consignee Address Details LOV, update the consignee's email address on the Email ID field and click Save.

  • How can I check that notification is successfully sent to the consignee?

    Go to MIS > Consignee Notification History, enter the AWB number and click Search.

  • What is Import Forwarder Notification?

    This feature enables the origin forwarders to send arrival notification along with attached documents to non-registered destination import forwarders/consignees.

  • What is the benefit of Import Forwarder Notification?

    The forwarder is able to attach supporting documents while creating a job on Calogi. The consignee can then view or download the supporting documents attached to the job by clicking a link on the notification.

  • Where can I set up Import Forwarder Notification?

    This feature can be enabled or disabled by navigating to My Calogi > Customer Profile.

    The notification can be set at three different trigger points: 'On Execution', 'On Acceptance by GHA/Airline' and 'On Uplift of GHA/Airline'. The 'No Notification' option disables the import forwarder notification.


    Navigate to Admin > User Management > Address Book. Search for an existing consignee to set up the individual trigger point for the import forwarder notification to be sent.


    A consignee can be manually notified soon after the execution of an AWB/CBV through an option 'Notify Consignee' on the Execution screen of an export job.

ULD Rating

  • How do forwarders apply ULD rates to a job created on Calogi?

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. After creating a job and assigning an AWB/CBV, go to the Execution tab and select the LOV (List of Values icon at the far end on the rate line row).
    2. Select the ULD/Rate type from the ULD Details pop-up box, enter the ULD serial number and click Save.
    3. Click Get Rates to view the rates applied.
    4. Click Save and then execute the AWB/CBV.

    Note: ULD rates will be fetched only if the airline has ULD rates defined on Calogi.

  • What is ULD rating?

    ULD rating refers to charges that are applied at the request of the shipper for consignments carried from airport of departure to airport of destination entirely in ULDs. In order to qualify for Bulk Unitisation Rates, the cargo must be carried from origin to destination in the same or multiple ULDs. Airlines can define ULD characteristics, set-up ULD rates as either rack or contract rates for freight and courier, and quote ad-hoc rates through Calogi.

ADM - Appointment & Dock Management

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